How to share files with Regulators

In this article, you will learn how to create a new folder that can be shared with a regulator. Additionally, you will learn how to copy files and folders to the new folder and invite a regulator to access it.

  1. From the left pane, click on Documents under General.

    2. Create a new folder - e.g.:  “New Jersey DGE - Personal History.”

  1. Select the folders and/or files you would like to share with the regulator and select the COPY TO icon on the top left

  1. Select the folder you will be sharing with the regulator and press COPY HERE

  1. Review the folders and files in the new directory (New Jersey DGE - Personal Information) and make any changes. Note you can: rename folders, create new folders and upload additional files. Once you are ready to share with the regulator click the three dots beside the folder name and select share

  1. You can either select an existing user or invite a new user.

  1. Select the newly added person and Click Share.

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After sharing a folder, you'll notice an icon displayed next to it indicating who it's been shared with. Follow the same steps to share folders from other important individuals and business disclosure profiles with the regulator. Once all files are shared with the regulator, they will view a similar display as shown below. The system automatically creates Personal disclosure folders and the Corporate folder for the regulator to identify who the files belong to.

To view details of who and when a shared folder was accessed, click on the three dots next to the folder and select view logs.

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