No applications are created equally, but luckily, the majority of information and documents needed to complete a person's disclosure are. Here are some suggestions we make before completing your OneComply Profile.
Review the application you are submitting before you fill out your profile. This will give you a little more understanding of the information you are providing.
Start atop your OneComply person disclosure account and work your way down. OneComply works on creating relationships between you, your family members, your business, and your license. OneComply hopes to reduce the need to repeat information by storing important data that may not be related to other sections in the disclosure.
For example, when creating your employment entries, we save your work history information and make it available in drop-down menus for easy entry into sections like Business Interests and Gaming licenses. This will reduce repetitive data entry for you, allowing you to submit applications more efficiently.
Save your work! Any stand-alone data fields and button selection require you to save by selecting the Save button. All entries entered into a table are saved automatically.
Look out for indicators to inform you of missing information, jurisdiction-specific requirements, and clarifying tools.
Once you enter your OneComply portal, you will be brought to the Overview page, where you can track the process of various license sections using the progression wheel. As you complete each section and mark it complete, Your progress status will be updated with the following colours:
Green: tasks are completed
Blue: tasks are in progress
Yellow: flagged tasks
Grey: tasks to do (not started)
Upon logging in for the first time, you will notice that you do not have any completed, in-progress, or flagged tasks. All items will be classified as "not started" and will be displayed under Application Progress.
To better understand what your OneComply portal looks like as tasks are completed, please watch the video below.