Compliance Calendar

OneComply's Calendar is the backbone for managing your company's regulatory obligations in one big picture. Ultimately, this will simplify your compliance tasks, giving you the peace of mind to focus on your business activities.

This feature is accessible to all roles, but admins are most likely to use this feature.

What is it?

This feature is more than just a schedule, It's a dynamic framework that outlines the critical regulatory dates and tasks your organization must adhere to. From tax filings to license renewals, the compliance calendar encapsulates various types of compliance requirements across different departments.

Why should I use it?

In a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape, missing a deadline is not an option. With your compliance calendar, you can mitigate risks by having a centralized snapshot for staying on top of all your compliance tasks. The cost of non-compliance can be steep in financial and reputational terms. Using this tool can promote transparency and accountability. A well-maintained compliance calendar can be your organization's safeguard.

How to access it

  1. Click on the License Control drop-down on the left pane and click Calendar

  2. Click the bars to view the assignee, due date, and status of the task.

If you're unsure about the meaning of colors, click the Color Legend in the top left corner.

  1. You can also process and complete a task by clicking on the Task underline.
  2. Here, you can work on the task and assign it to individuals.

    Additionally, to help you stay compliant, your task manager will send you a weekly update on tasks completed, in progress, and overdue on business and employee licenses, contracts, and task summaries.

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