Generating Applications

Completing disclosures is the core to automating your applications more efficiently in your OneComply Dashboard. Once you have completed your OneComply profile, you can begin generating applications.

Requesting new applications

As a new user, your applications dashboard will likely be blank. Whether you are planning to operate in a new jurisdiction or want to renew an existing license with a new application, you must have the form onboarded to your OneComply dashboard.

  1. To do this, navigate to General and click Applications.
  2. Click Request Application and provide jurisdiction, application name, the date you would like to receive this form, and please attach the application form you are requesting in the drag and drop field provided

Please consider that It takes 5-10 business days for the OneComply team to onboard the application into your system. We will send an email once it's ready.

  1. Click Send. A green token will pop up to let you know the request has been sent.

Generating an application

  1. To start generating your application, click + Generate.

  2. Select the jurisdiction you are interested in and choose the corresponding application. Only applications that have already been added to the system will be visible.

    After selecting your application, a disclosure progress wheel will appear. This will indicate the completion status of your disclosure and the remaining tasks that need to be done. Treat it as a status checklist to ensure that all requirements are met before generating the application.

  3. Click between the progress bars to view the incomplete sections. You can click on the individual sections to fill them out.
  4. After clicking Generate Application, a PDF will be generated within 30 seconds. You should see a green token to confirm its completion. Once you click the download button, you should receive a notification from your browser indicating that the download has been completed.
  5. Below, you will find a checklist. It is there for you to acknowledge as you complete the application. In the last checklist item, click the toggle on to confirm you have completed the application.

Things to keep in mind

  • Completing your disclosure profile will decrease your delivery time significantly. Your collaborators are there to assist you in completing it.

  • Some regulatory bodies may have specific forms related to the jurisdiction you are applying for. We have a special section for that in your dashboard called Supplemental.
  • Your application will consider both the disclosure and supplemental section to fulfill the needs of your license.

  • If you see a typo, you will need to make your fix in the designated section of your disclosure. After completing the needed edits in your disclosure core, please click Regenerate to incorporate the newly edited data in your generated applications.

Changes made will not be transferred to the already generated application. You will need to click Reenerate again.

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