This article will walk you through how to compile documents into a cohesive PDF for efficient submission. OneComply's document repository streamlines this by automatically collating necessary attachments for application submissions.
To gather all the necessary documentation, first head to Applications.
Beside the + Generate button, select the box to activate the attachment feature.
Select the jurisdiction and application you wish to process.
Check the boxes. This will navigate you to the Document Repository. Within this space, you can select the required attachments for the applications.
Write a caption... 5. Locate the required attachments and add them to the application as shown below.
Write a caption... Supported file types for attachments include:
MS Office files: .docx .xlsx .pptx .doc
Image files .bmp .emf .jpg/.jpeg .png .tif .xps
Include any additional attachments not listed to supplement the application.
6. Once you're done attaching the documents needed, click Generate. The PDF generation will convert each document selected into a PDF page and include them at the end of the generated document in the order they were presented in the list.
Merging documents into a single PDF is critical in the regulatory submission process. It demonstrates seamlessness and quality that are highly regarded in the regulatory landscape. Following these steps ensures your applications are organized, complete, and compliant with regulatory standards.