OneComply permissions

This article explains permissions and user roles as you set up your accounts.

Applicant Roles

Key Personnel

This permission will allow users to create a personal disclosure as an application. These Individuals hold key positions within the entity, such as C-Suite executives, members of the Board of Directors, and significant owners.


Those in occupational roles, such as on-site technicians and customer service representatives, must submit "Occupational" or "Technician" applications as part of the gaming license application process.

In many jurisdictions, anyone not classified as key personnel who still requires licensing will typically apply under this type.
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Non-Applicant Roles

A user can hold an applicant role and all, some, or none of the permissions below.

Manage user

Any user with “Manage User” permissions is permitted to do the following within their OneComply portal:

  • Add and Delete Users (Key Persons, Occupational Users, and Non-Applicant Users)

  • Edit Permissions for Other Users

Users with "Manage User" permissions cannot view any data from other users in their OneComply portal. However, these users can grant themselves "Collaborator" permission. This permission enables them to add themselves as a "Collaborator" on Key Person and/or Occupational User accounts, where they can view the information of those users.


Collaborators' Access lets users manage others' accounts. A "Collaborator" can edit Key Persons' or Occupational Users' accounts. To use this feature, a "Collaborator" must be added by a user with "Manage User" permission. An email is sent to the Account Holder to notify them.

License Control

License Control permission allows users to access the various tools included in the License Control section of the OneComply platform.
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Access can be granted on a tool basis, meaning a user can be granted access to all, none, or some of the following tools:

  • Application Progress

  • Businesses

  • Product Tracking

  • Contracts

  • Reports

  • Task Manager

You can also check a box allowing users only to see the tasks assigned to them instead of the full list of tasks in the “Task Manager” tab.

Next steps

Completing your OneComply Profile

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